1B1B 1B The manual method gives you the most control over the colorizing 1B process. You can specify up to 20 manual cutoff points. In this 1B manner you accentuate the details of most interest, and lose cluttered 1B areas that distract from the image. 1B 1B Once you have generated an image you like, MANDELPAINT will save 1B it for you as a 32-block picture file on drive 8. The file naming 1B conventions were mentioned earlier. If you used the auto-mode the 1B entire filename will be automatically created. The extension will 1B correspond to the value you used for colorizing. If you use the manual 1B method, you can specify your own extension name. Anything you like, 1B just dont make it overly long, you need room for the root name and the 1B "y" or "n" at the end. The extension helps to distinguish between 1B multiple versions of the same area of the set. For example, you might 1B have "jazz.2000.y" and "jazz.3000.y" as two different interpretations 1B of "jazz.dat" on drive 9. If you used manual cutoffs, you might have 1B "jazz.simple.y" and "jazz.complex.y". All these examples would contain 1B the mandelbrot set, as represented by the trailing "y". 1B Once you have seen an interesting area, it is almost irresistable 1B to explore it further. You will want to "zoom" in on parts of the 1B screen to see them in more detail. That is where MAGNIBROT comes in. 1B 1B 1B 1B MAGNIBROT 1B 1B MAGNIBROT makes zooming in on areas of the set, a breeze. 1B 1B Load and run MAGNIBROT (with SIMON'S BASIC). Tell it which 1B graphics image you would like to view. Use the root name. Magnibrot 1B will search drive 9 for the parameter file, which it will use to 1B calculate new parameters when you "zoom". 1B The image will be displayed. In the upper left hand area of the 1B screen, you will see a small flashing box. This is the magnification 1B window. Use it to pick a region to magnify. The cursor control keys 1B will move the box around. The ">" and <" keys will change the size of 1B the box. The box will move fastest when at its smallest size, so move 1B it to the center of the region you wish to magnify, then expand it. 1B When you have the area selected, press "m" to magnify. You will be 1B asked the number of iterations to be used in calculating the new file. 1B The other parametes will be computed for you. make sure there is room 1B on drive 9 for the next data file. If the disk already has 2 data 1B files on it, you should load a new blank disk to hold the parameters 1B for the next run. 1B You will also be given the "magnification" level of the new image 1B in "standard m-brots". This is just a means of comparison. The image 1B named "mama.1200.y" is considered the standard size. 1B The maximum theoretical effective magnification of this system is 1B 18,000,000 "standard m-brots". Generally, higher magnifications 1B require higher iteration values, and take longer to run. 1B 1B You can save copies of the screen images from MAGNIBROT. That is, 1B you can save the picture with the magnification window imbedded in it. 1B This helps when viewing a magnification sequence, as it shows where 1B each successive image will be coming from. These will also be 32-block 1B files. You can name them anything you wish, though you might want to 1B keep the "y" "n" convention at the end. 1B 1B 1B 1B THE BASIC PROGRAMS 1B 1B Auto-seq and Colours are two basic programs used to display images 1B of the set. We've already gone over Colours. Auto-seq lets you make 1B slide shows out of a sequence of mandelbrot images. You can show 1B images of sucessively greater magnification, or the effects of 1B successively narrow color regions on the same slide. To change 1B Auto-seq, you have to edit the basic program. If you are familiar with 1B basic, use the sample program as your template. Simply change the 1B lines that load in the images. To add more lines, just keep increasing 1B the values for "a". These basic programs use SIMON'S BASIC for 1B graphics control. 1B 1B 1B 1B HINTS AND TIPS 1B 1B The best tip is to do some reading on the subject. You will have 1B a much better appreciation of what is going on with the programs. 1B 1B How do you choose parameters to most effectively generate images? 1B Here are some general guidelines. 1B 1B Generally, you will need more iterations the closer you get to the 1B edge of the set, and the higher you magnify. To make a picture of the 1B whole set, as in "mama.1200.y", you can get away with iteration levels 1B of less than 100. You may even wish to use a level of 10. Higher 1B iteration levels are more accurate representations of the set. The 1B fewer iterations you use, the more black area there will be in your 1B display. As you increase the magnification, you may notice a fuzziness 1B to the set, and a lot of black dots speckling the image. That is a 1B pretty good sign that you may need to increase the iteration limit. 1B The best guide to choosing iteration levels is the graph provided 1B in MANDELPAINT. Look at the graph. Suppose you chose a limit of 100. 1B If the vast majority of points fall well below 50, you could probably 1B have used a lower limit. If there are points graphed nearer 100, you 1B may need to increase the limit on your next magnification. As you look 1B at the graph, you should see decreasing levels of points as you move 1B towards the limit. it is a good sign when you see some blank spots, or 1B gaps as you approach the limit. This means there were no points 1B selected at those iteration levels. That is a sign that you have 1B examined most of the points outiside the set, and a higher iteration 1B level would have made little difference. 1B 1B The highest number of iterations that can be used with the system 1B is 2500. MANDELCRUNCH could theoretically use values of over 32000, 1B but there is not enough memory for MANDELPAINT to handle this. 1B Fortunately, 2500 is quite high already. Anything higher would almost 1B be impractical in terms of computation time. 1B 1B If you examine a region of the set that contains no points within 1B the set (no black points), you will have 4 colors to work with, instead 1B of 3 colors and black. Mandelpaint has been designed to make use of 1B this. At this time, however, I have not written all of the programs to 1B do so. To make use of it in AUTO-SEQ, for example, you will have to 1B change the HIRES and MULTI statements. 1B Another change that could be made is to use the COLOURS program to 1B create a custom color file that would be accessed by all the graphics 1B programs so you could use your favorite colors when working on the set. 1B However, I did want to upload what I have so far to see if anyone is 1B interested. 1B If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, I would be 1B glad to hear from you. Drop me a line on CompuServe e-mail for 1B 73027,1316 1B 1B Best wishes, 1B JA